Some mornings are coffee mornings.

Some mornings are “why are you awake already?” mornings.

Some mornings are “It’s a good thing I love you,” mornings.

These mornings aren’t glamorous. They’re not the mornings that I day-dreamed of. You know, the mornings where you wake up to a happy toddler babbling and smiling, and the sun is shining, and the birds are singing, and the house is spotless? Some of them are like that, and they’re wonderful.

Most mornings are somewhat in between, where the toddler wakes up happy but then throws a fit because you gave him raisins instead of blueberries and the dishwasher is open and he wanted it closed.

And some mornings are coffee mornings, when the toddler is teething and was awake half the night, and when you try to catch a few more winks because you’re just so tired, he won’t stop hitting you in the head because he’s awake and he wants breakfast and it’s still an hour and a half before he was supposed to wake up and you’re just so tired.

So you get up and get breakfast, and make a mug of coffee, and put a little hot chocolate mix in it because you don’t normally drink coffee so you don’t have any creamer but you can’t drink it black. And you sit on the couch and ignore the pretzels on the floor and the pile of mostly folded clothes on the chair, and try to drink the coffee before it gets cold, or before the kiddo finishes his plotting and manages whatever devious scheme he’s cooking up.

And even if you don’t get to finish the coffee before it’s cold, because let’s face it, you’re a mom, it’ll all be okay. Because some mornings are coffee mornings, but all mornings are worth it. That teething toddler won’t be teething, or a toddler, forever. These moments will fade, and you’ll miss the way he curls into your neck, his tears and snot leaving a wet mark on your shirt. You’ll miss the mischievous grin when he’s planning something he knows he’s not allowed to do, and you’ll even miss those early mornings in bed together when he keeps kicking you in the face.

So enjoy the cold coffee, and enjoy the snuggles, and enjoy the grin when he think you’re not looking and he tries to steal the remote. Because even the coffee mornings are mornings that you’ll miss, (even if you might not miss the cold coffee).